School Lane, Auckley, Doncaster, DN9 3JN


Auckley School

Together we nurture, challenge & inspire

Educational Projects

Every year the children would like to research, purchase and implement two education projects for the school. They feel this will aid in the children's learning and provide fun activities for them to learn. 



Ths school council took a stroll around reception and nursery after all the new equipment was delivered. They thought it looked amazing and  wanted to contribute to the new foundation unit. After asking the reception children what they liked doing they decided on purchasing a full set of phonics pebbles. This enables them to continue their learning outside, sounding out words using their phonics knowledge. They also loved the large weaving letters to hang from the tree which is situated in their playground. Both items came to  £69.94 and they worked hard raising the money for this.

Phonics Pebbles £29.99
Phonics Pebbles £29.99
Weaving letters £39.95
Weaving letters £39.95